Crazy For Chevron print!

It's not a secret we are crazy about stripes and bold colors. Last week we had the opportunity once again to show our love for these classic patterns at the lounge we created for the Elite Bridal Network Event at the Epic Hotel. The theme was Red Hot Summer so we searched for an inspiring picture and found the one below. After thinking how to incorporate the colors in the lounge we decided to design a chevron print with different shades of red to get the sunset effect. We placed the print on our new piece: "The Banner Display" and placed it on top of the illuminated bars that were used as dividers with banquet sofas on each side of them. It turned out perfect as it felt like you are sitting and watching the sun goes down (get it!).

The banner display is made from clear plexiglass, its light weight and can be used as a divider, bar backdrops and table centerpiece. The main purpose is making your message as clear as possible for your clients to see while keeping an elegant and minimalist approach. We can print any image you would like or company logos. Just send us your image and we will apply it for you. Don't have an image? give us a call and we will make it happen.

Elite Bridal Network at the Epic Hotel

Elite Bridal Network {Epic Hotel} from Michael LaFrance on Vimeo.